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Error: Couldn't get race props 2 at /home/k/kouprienko/o-site.spb.ru/public_html/include/races.php:729
Sql Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and (racePropDef.typeId = 2 or racePropDef.typeId = 3 ) ' at line 2
Sql: select racePropDef.title, raceProp.value from %tbl%_race_prop raceProp, %tbl%_race_prop_def racePropDef where raceProp.propDefId = racePropDef.id and raceProp.raceId = and (racePropDef.typeId = 2 or racePropDef.typeId = 3 ) order by racePropDef.title
